Saturday, February 6, 2021

How to deal with difficult people

Bad attitudes are like nasty virus-contagious and annoying!
Like a nasty virus, a bad attitude can be contagious! When someone brings their bad attitude
around, it can affect other people just like the flu-bringing you down and making you feel
awful! Want to know how to deal with difficult people?
Just like germs, bad attitudes are everywhere! Avoidance is your best form of defense,
but if you can't escape someone's bad attitude, you can protect your energy!
Some people aren't bothered by other people's emotion. But,
if you have noticed that you tend to be affected by those around you ,
then you might be an empath.
What is empath? Empath's absorb what people are feeling.
You need to learn the importance of identifying your own feelings to protect your personal energy.
The best way is to be emotionally stronger. You can achieve this by building your emotional strength,
and by keeping a positive attitude.
When someone is putting out negative energy, your best defense is to radiate a force-field of positive vibes.
It's proven that positive energy is stronger than negative.
Easier said than done though right? Here are some ways to power up your positivity!
I'm actually able to tolerate being around nasty people and walk away knowing it is them not me!
Before it's easy for me to get angry or irritated because of having hypertension.
Until I practice to control my own emotions. And I'm still on process to control it.
Because if you really want to know how to deal with difficult people , you need to start within.
Strengthen your mind and learn to control emotions. It can really help you understand your own feelings and the
emotions of those around you.
I remember the time that I was crying then my young daughter staring at me and it seems like she understand the emotions I felt that time,
She started to cry as well and hug me. Sometimes when she noticed that I'm sad she will hug me and ask me if I'm okay.
She's so sweet on her young age 3. Sometimes she will hig me and kiss me and says "I love you Daddy".
She is being emotional and she easily understand other's feelings.
Going back to the main topic you need to be emotional stronger, you can control your feelings better.
A negative person becomes frustrated easily. They often want to be in bad mood too and when you aren't.
they get even more negative. But most of people genuinely want to be happy. It's human nature.
So use your positivity to try and cheer them up.
Your best bet is to avoid negative people. If it's a neighbor, acquaintance or relative, limit your time around them. Especially if they are in particular
nasty mood.
But if it's your co-workers, or family, it's kind of impossible to avoid them. So you have to learn to deal.
Speaking co-workers It was my first week after I return on my line of business from 3rd floor office going back to 4th floor s basically there's a lot of new people and I had a new team mates.
I was able to know some of them. Profiling them to know their attitudes.
Some of time are neutral and one of them got my attention because of her nasty attitude, Yes it was a girl and let's name her Germany. I don't like the way she act that make me feel like he is threating me who am I
and she wants me to feel her seniority in our team which is not because this Account is not new for me. I've been there.
Acting like intimidating for short.
I feel some negative aura coming from her and I heard a lot that she has a bad attitude. I distant myself from this negativity because I don't want a clash of two bitches LMAO just kidding.
Then as days go by I tried to have time with them and she tried to build small talk then I find out that it's not good to rely on my first impression maybe if I will give gather with them I will learn more about their attitude.
Yes, distance yourself as much as you can. And, be sure if you give yourself some space sometimes.
Practice positivity, every day. Make it a habit to have a positive attitude.
When you think of people's vibes as energy waves coming from their body's, it makes it easier to understand emotions.
And , since positive energy is stronger than negative. when you have great energy you won't be as affected by someone's bad attitude.

Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are in control of your own emotions.
You and only you, can change your attitude.
Positive affirmations are major key in powering up your positivity.
Here are some examples:
I am in control of my feelings
I choose to be happy.
I can convert a negative attitude, into positive one.
I release all negative energy.
I am emotionally strong.
Remind yourself their issues are not your issues.
Try and understand, they might be going though hardships. Empathize but don't absorb.
This is where stronger building your emotional strength can help you identify the difference between their emotions and your own.
Separate your behavior from the person. The person can change their attitude. Maybe they are having personal issues.
Remember that just because someone is in a negative mood, doesn't make them a bad person.
Their attitude is their choice. But you have to choose not to let it bother you.
And if you notice you are in a bad mood, try these moos boosting activities:
Spend some time outdoor
Hang out with happy people
Watch inspiring movies
Read positive affirmations
Listen to your playlist
I hope you learned how to deal with negative people in life, because negative attittudes
are everywhere! The more positive you are, the more powerful you will be! So spread some positivity!

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